We have reached 42% of our fundraising goal, thanks to the donors who have contributed so far. At this point, we need only 58 more donations to reach our goal. Yes, you read that right. If you haven't already, please lend your support for a good cause.
A quick reminder about the concert coming up tomorrow. It is generating quite a buzz as it features Kamalakiran, the winner of the 2014 Spirit of Youth series at the Music Academy in Chennai, accompanied by Vignesh Venkataraman on the mridangam and Vivek Chellappa on the kanjira. Don't miss it! Stop by the Simi Valley Senior Center on Sunday between 3 and 6 pm.
Recently, one of the kids who is a regular at Hamsadhawani's concerts gave a speech at her school. "Music has a remarkable ability to affect and manipulate how we feel," said little Jeyani Ganesh, all of 7 years old, to her second grade elementary school class. "Simply listening to songs we like stimulates the brain’s reward system, creating feelings of pleasure and comfort. But music goes beyond our hearts to our minds, shaping how we think," she argued, making a rather persuasive case in her rather persuasive way. "My music teacher says music is the best gift that parents can give their child. The next time you have an opportunity to get a gift, ask your parents for musical training as the gift. In case you already have this gift, go home and thank them today!" Beautifully said, Jeyani! Read more on our blog.
Help us reach our goal, and perhaps inspire more kids. Make a donation today. And don't forget to join us tomorrow for an afternoon of soulful music!
Thank You
HCMA Board of Directors
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