Anirudh is a regular performer in many of Chennai's prestigious sabhas during the Chennai December Season festival, and has performed in several other cities in India as well as abroad. Recently, he received the Thanjavur S. Kalyanaraman Endowment Award from Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai, for a merit-worthy concert he sang in the sabha's 2011 Gokulashtami Festival Concert Series. He was also featured in the Madras Music Academy's 2012 Spirit of Youth Festival, for which he was awarded "Best Male Vocalist," as well as the Academy's HCL Concert Series in 2013. Anirudh is now doing his Masters degree at Stanford University, where he is studying Computer Science.
Anirudh Venkatesh Anirudh, age 21, formally began learning Carnatic music from Smt. Padma Kutty in the fall of 1996 shortly after turning 5 years old. He has continued learning with Smt. Padma Kutty but has also had the opportunity to learn from the distinguished gurus Smt. Sugandha Kalamegham and Sri Seetharama Sharma. In 2002, he was initiated into the Semmangudi Bani by Sri Palai C.K. Ramachandran. Since 2005, Anirudh has also been training under the illustrious Padmabhushan Sri P.S. Narayanaswamy. He is currently under the guidance of these two gurus, both of whom are direct disciples of the legendary Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer. Anirudh is a regular performer in many of Chennai's prestigious sabhas during the Chennai December Season festival, and has performed in several other cities in India as well as abroad. Recently, he received the Thanjavur S. Kalyanaraman Endowment Award from Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai, for a merit-worthy concert he sang in the sabha's 2011 Gokulashtami Festival Concert Series. He was also featured in the Madras Music Academy's 2012 Spirit of Youth Festival, for which he was awarded "Best Male Vocalist," as well as the Academy's HCL Concert Series in 2013. Anirudh is now doing his Masters degree at Stanford University, where he is studying Computer Science. Vivek Thyagarajan Vivek started learning vocal carnatic music at a young age in Madras from Vidhushi K R Vasantha, a disciple of Sangeetha Kalanidhi, Shree T M Thyagarajan. After shifting to Bombay, he continued his training under Vidhushi Kalyani Sharma, a disciple of Sangeetha Kalanidhi Shree K S Narayanaswamy and Sangeetha Kalanidhi Shree Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer. He has also undertaken short summer training sessions under a few senior most gurus in Madras. He has won a number of prizes from Cleveland Festival, Shankukhananda, Bombay and leading sabhas in Madras. Vivek is a B S Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign and is currently working in Westlake Village. Comments are closed.
AboutHCMA organizes Carnatic music concerts in the greater Los Angeles area, with a mission to promote young and upcoming artistes and foster a community of music lovers Archives
February 2024