Awards and recognition -
- Sep, 2014: Recipient of CCRT national level scholarship for Veena -
- Sep, 2014: Awarded “RBC Young Achiever Award for RY 2014-15”, by Rotary, Bangalore Cantonment in the Classical Instrumental (Veena) category -
- Feb, 2015: Pratibha Puraskar, Bangalore
- nvited to perform at Rashtrapathi Bhavan, New Delhi in the presence of Honorable President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee, Honorable Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, the Heads of African nations and the Indian Cabinet in October, 2015.
- Awarded “Smt Lalitha Padmanabhan Endowment” award for Veena by Narada Gana Sabha, Chennai in December, 2015.
- Awarded “Prof G T Narayana Rao” award instituted by Bhramara Trust of Y. T and Madhuri Thathachari, Mysore on the 26th of March, 2016 .
- Granted age waiver by Prasar Bharati and Director General of AIR for audition appearance in AIR when he was 14 years old .
- Youngest to win “Kalavanta“ in May, 2016 for winning the concert competition series (instrumental) for international artists under age 30 .
- Awarded “Raga Laya Prabha” by Sri Rama Lalitha Kalamandira, Bangalore, in June 2016 .
- Awarded “Emani Sankara Sastri Sashtiyapthapoorthi Award” by Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai in August, 2016 .
- Awarded “Dr. M S Subbulakshmi Fellowship grant” by Shanmukhananda Sabha, Mumbai in September, 2016 Awarded “Annapurna Ravindran Endowment Award” by Sri Krishna Gana Sabha, Chennai in April, 2017.